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Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik
Case Lil Magic Stik

Case Lil Magic Stik

Regular price $4.99 Sale

This little morsel is just what the doctor ordered when the fish turn their noses up at full-sized offerings. Fish the ‘Lil Magic Stik’ just like the larger versions, ‘Wacky’ style around scattered weed clumps or wood and rock cover, Ned rig style, nose hook it on a drop shot rig, or split-shot the ‘Lil Magic Stik’ dragging it slowly over rock or sandy bottom areas. 3 ¼” in length, the ‘Lil Magic Stik’ makes a perfect meal that even the most finicky fish can’t resist! And don’t think the ‘Lil Magic Stik’ is just for Bass; try a vertical presentation on a Case round jig for walleye too!
LURE SIZE: 3.25-inch. PACK SIZE: 10 per pack  

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